Blue Nile Traders began because of a transformative relationship. In 2010, we adopted two children from the Yezelalem Minch orphan project in Addis Ababa (our family with three biological sons all older than 18 at the time) . This was the beginning….a vision for supporting the ministry that had been home to our children for the years after they were orphaned. In 2012 we adopted another boy from Yezelalem Minch who was 14 at the time and in 2016, a 14-year old girl also through Bethany Christian Services (but from a different orphanage).

Realizing that coffee originated in Ethiopia and was such an important part of their culture (and so delicious!) we believed that we too were called to share in the vision of Yezelalem Minch and become an everlasting spring of blessing to as many more women and children in Ethiopia as possible.
By selling Ethiopian coffee, we provide assistance to HIV-affected families through direct nutritional support and an opportunity for a household income for women who participate by cooking and serving the food. Sentiment and affection by itself does no one any good, so we are thankful to be able to contribute to the work of Yezelalem Minch with the profits from Blue Nile Traders.
Our love for Ethiopia has grown and our commitment to support the work of Yezelalem Minch keeps growing, especially as the needs keep increasing. We believe in the work of Yezelalem Minch for many reasons, not the least of which is the care and love our three children received for the years they lived there. But the poverty and uncertainty that continues for so many women and children in Ethiopia afflicted by the devastation of HIV leaves us all the more compelled to live out the love of Jesus by devoting ourselves to our mission and vision.
The idea is simple: We buy and sell coffee Ethiopian coffee and send 100% of the profits of Blue Nile Traders to Ethiopia to support the Yezelalem Minch feeding program. Each bag of Blue Nile sold helps to feed orphans at Yezelalem Minch!